ProClean Restore DFG
ProClean Restore DFG (Deodorizing Fast Gas) is a fast-acting, deodorizing gas that neutralizes the strongest odors. It is fast, easy, and effective to minimize downtime. Leaves a clean-air scent after treatment.
1 pouch covers 1000 cubic feet
Recommended For: Commercial Buildings, Residential Spaces, Restoration, Flooring, Automobiles, HVAC, Long-term Care, & more.
ProClean Restore DFG (Deodorizing Fast Gas) is a fast-acting, deodorizing gas that neutralizes the strongest odors. It is fast, easy, and effective to minimize downtime. Leaves a clean-air scent after treatment.
Requires Minimal Equipment
Odors Removed Include:
- Smoke, Fire, & Soot
- Tobacco
- Cannabis
- Pet Odor
- Cat Urine
- Skunk
- VOCs
- Mold/Mildew
- Food
- Fuel
- & More